Global Delusion: Heliocentric Science
Note: The Global Delusion Series is meant to be read in this order -
Timeline of Operations, NASA, Heliocentric Science, Hebrew Cosmology
Heliocentrism is the theory that the sun is the central aspect of the cosmos with the Earth and other planets revolving around it. It is the basis of our understanding of the cosmos today but it actually has only been widely accepted for about the last 500 years. Before this, Claudius Ptolemy’s geocentric system (Earth centered) dominated Eurocentric science for 1,400 years. Well before that, many other ancient civilizations also understood and widely accepted this theory: that the Earth was the central aspect and that the stars and luminaries moved around the fixed plane humans live on.
So how did heliocentrism become so dominant and widely accepted throughout the world? Here is a general timeline of the evolution of heliocentrism:
Philolaus and Hicetas (Philosophers) — 5th century BC; Both held the theory that the Earth was a sphere that revolved daily around a “central fire” within the universe.
Heracleides Ponticus (Astronomer) — 4th Century BC; credited for being the first to suggest that the Earth rotates and that at least Mercury and Venus circled the sun, pupil of Plato.
Aristarchus (of Samos, Astronomer) — 3rd century BC; Also maintained the theory that Earth rotates and revolves around the sun.
Nicholas Of Cusa (Cardinal, Mathematician) — 15th Century AD; Cusa emphasized knowledge through experimentation and anticipated the work of the astronomer Copernicus by discerning a movement in the universe that did not centre on the Earth, although the Earth contributed to that movement.
Nicolaus Copernicus (Canon Lawyer, Astronomer) — 15/16th Century AD; Copernicus proposed that the sun was a fixed point in which all the planets orbited including Earth. Also theorized that the Earth rotates once daily on its own axis. Copernican Heliocentrism has been heralded by many known scientists among the scientific revolution.
Tycho Brahe (Astronomer) — 16th Century AD; Fathered the theory for the Tychonic System borrowing from both Geocentrism in the belief of a fixed Earth as well as Copernican Heliocentrism that the planets all revolve around the sun.
Johannes Kepler (Astronomer) — 16th Century AD; Theorized three major Heliocentric laws: the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun as a focus; the “area law” and the “harmonic law.”
Galileo Galilei (Astronomer, Mathematician) — 16th Century AD; Insisted that nature was written in the language of mathematics. Galileo bridged the gap between scientific philosophies to mathematical formulations that could be tested through experimentation. Although thwarted personally by the Roman church, his use of the telescope revolutionized astronomy and paved the way for the acceptance of the Copernican Heliocentric system.
Isaac Newton (Physicist, Mathematician) — 17th Century AD; his theory on the three laws of motion would result in the formulation of the law of universal gravitation. Also was heavily influenced by the Corpus Hermeticum (writings said to have been transmitted from ancient times, in which the secrets and techniques of influencing the stars and the forces of nature were revealed).
Throughout the timeline, we can see as heliocentrism begins to take shape and evolve over time as more theories were developed. You may have noticed that some of these men (Copernicus and Cusa) had strong ties to the Roman/Christian church. What is interesting is that many contributors to heliocentric science came out of the church. Nicolaus Copernicus studied and received a doctorate degree in Canon Law. Both of Tycho Brahe’s parents were buried under Kagerod Church. Johannes Kepler had this to say about a description of himself:
Kepler is now honored along with Nicolaus Copernicus with a feast day on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church (USA) on May 23. Even George Lemaitre, known as the father of the big bang was a Jesuit trained Belgian Roman Priest. Charles Darwin was baptised, went to boarding school at the Church of England and continued to Cambridge to become an Anglican Clergymen. What’s interesting to me is that many who hold these men and their scientific theories in high regard tend to have a strong distrust for the Roman/Christian church from whence these men came out of.
How can you not trust the Christian church but accept so many theories that came from men who claim themselves of the church that you disdain? These men (George Lemaitre, Nicolaus Copernicus and Charles Darwin) are patriarchs of heliocentric science and the pillars of evolution and they all had strong ties to Christianity. How did these men with so many ties to the Roman/Christian Church become the foundation for evolution which clearly contradicts Hebrew doctrine as well as Hebrew/Biblical cosmology? The truth is that they were just as much untrustworthy in the church as they were in their scientific understandings outside of it.
Copernican’s Heliocentrism is the conventional model the entire world follows and teaches so let’s take a look at some of the numbers behind the theory:
The Earth rotates at ~1,000 mph (roughly at the equator)
The Earth orbits the sun at ~67,000 mph
The Earth along with the rest of the solar system orbits the galaxy at ~490,000 mph
So let’s stop here as the numbers continue to become more and more astronomical. To start with, if we assume the Earth is rotating at 1,000 mph, I hope no one is expecting me to believe that the clouds are also moving that fast.
Commercial airplanes fly at about 500 mph, how would they ever get to their destination if the Earth is rotating at 1,000 mph? But let’s say that the Earth and the Earth’s atmosphere both were moving together at 1,000 mph and somehow you didn’t feel like you were on a constant supersonic merry-go-round and didn’t feel it at all. How would NASA and other spacecraft of the world (not to mention all the satellites in space) ever be able to enter the vacuum of space without being completely left behind? Immediately when these crafts enter the vacuum of space, they would need to keep up with the Earth’s orbit since the Earth is moving at the speed of the galaxy going 490,000 mph or else they would fall behind the speed of the galaxy and everything therein. If we truly are moving at hundreds of thousands of miles through space and have been for thousands of years, why then don’t the stars change around us? Everything is based off of Polaris (the North Star) and the stars in our sky are exactly where they were thousands of years ago but how can that be if we continue to rocket through space in orbit trailing behind our sun?
With the Earth’s 1,000 mph rotation, this theory also directly conflicts with the theory of continental drift (the gradual movement of the continents across the Earth’s surface over time). At this speed, if all the continents drifted apart over time, shouldn’t they all be much closer to the equator where the Earth spins fastest? Hot air balloons would be dangerously disastrous and would likely land in very different parts of the world from where they took off. These numbers and theory simply don’t make sense of the world we see around us.
Notice that I’m simply using basic logic and reason here purposefully. I’m relying on logic that doesn’t need any hardware or specific environment to be tested, any reasonable person can think about these things for themselves and come to a conclusion that makes sense to them. The truth is that these men of science came out of the church and created their own religion that they would be worshiped within. In the 3rd and 2nd Centuries BC, both buoyancy and density were discovered (density: if an object is denser than its medium, it sinks. If it is less dense than its medium, it floats.) so why was it such a big deal when Isaac Newton “discovered” gravity? In fact, when you think about density, why is gravity important at all? It isn’t, however gravity does become extremely important if you want to try and explain why/how water stays on a ball. Unless the ball is a frozen ball of water, it simply doesn’t make sense that water would stay on a ball since water always finds its level naturally. When Isaac Newton “discovered” gravity, he created a much needed theory necessary to explain how the oceans stay put on a sphere and the solution to how all the planets stay in their elliptical orbit around the sun in the heliocentric model. This explains why he is held in such high regard among the science community even though we had known about buoyancy and density some 1,800 years prior to Isaac Newton theorizing about his gravity.
In 1887, a very famous experiment was held that shook the scientific community to its core. That experiment was called the Michelson-Moreley experiment. This experiment tested the presence and properties of aether, the medium through which light moves (fun fact: aether got its name from a Greek god, the god of light). This experiment was to test the wind created from the Earth’s movement as it rotates at 1,000 mph. By using an interferometer, they could measure the speed/direction of the “aether wind.”
This experiment failed to detect movement of the Earth in or against the aether. The science community was baffled, ultimately they had a choice to make: discredit the experiment somehow or admit that the Earth indeed did not move. Enter Albert Einstein… various new theories were brought up to explain why movement of the Earth was not detected in the aether. None more popular and accepted however than the Lorentz factor which is used in Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Einstein’s theory of special relativity nullified the existence of aether thereby discrediting the Michelson-Moreley experiment and essentially saving the theory of heliocentrism all together. This was especially important because the theories of the big bang and evolution all hang on the cornerstone of heliocentric science. This is why Albert Einstein is a god among the science community today.
In Greek mythology, Helios was a Titan god of the sun. His mother being the moon. This is exactly what heliocentrism is, it is worship of the sun. These men with all their scientific theories and what is known as science today is actually a religious cult following the teachings of Hermes. They came out of the church to birth their own religion based on their own theories and fed it to the world as logical science. The basis of what is considered science today is deeply spiritual. Aside from Copernicus, names such as: Johannes Kepler, Paracelsus, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, and Francis Bacon have all mentioned and/or referenced Hermeticism in their works. A compilation of the Hermetic writings is called the Corpus Hermeticum. Hermes initial name came from the Greek name Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice-Great, similar to the Trinity the Hebrew Israelites speak of in the Bible…) from the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt where Hermes went by the Egyptian name Thoth. Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom and the moon. Thoth is the origin of this science religion that is taught today.
So if NASA is lying about about space (as we found out from the NASA article), then what we know to be heliocentric science is simply another form of religion. In its truest form, genuine science is an organized way of gathering/analyzing evidence of the world around us. The scientific method consists of: observation, inquiry, gathering information, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, making conclusions, reporting, and evaluation. Hopefully we will one day become fixated on finding truth using genuine science instead of false theories built on fabrication. Then we will truly begin to understand our world.